Sourcing Never Stops. hireEZ Helps You Be the Best Recruiter You Can Be.

hireEZ is the complete top-of-the-funnel hiring solution you can always depend on.

800M+ Profiles
50% less time sourcing

5X more qualified leads
Unlimited candidate outreach

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The All-in-One Platform for Your Recruiting Needs

Source across open web platform and integrate with your ATS or CRM. hireEZ is your single source of truth for up-to-date candidate data.

Smart Sourcing

Powerful AI filters to build targeted candidate searches

Stack-ranked search results with best-fit candidates first

Comprehensive candidate insights

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Personalized Engagement

#1 Contact Finder with 85% finding rate, 95% accuracy

Email marketing insights and reports

Automated email marketing drip campaigns

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AI-Powered Talent Database

#1 Contact Finder with 85% finding rate and 95% accuracy

Email marketing insights and reports

Automated email marketing drip campaigns & scheduling

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Diverse and Inclusive Pipelines

230M+ diverse candidate profiles

Real-time diversity analytics

Data-driven searches for underrepresented groups

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Built with Your Success in Mind

hireEZ does more than help you find top tier talent. We work in partnership with you to optimize and upgrade your recruiting efforts.

to Scale
hireEZ's AWS-based infrastructure is built to be scalable, stable, and reliable. As your business and teams grow, so does hireEZ.
Customer Service
Our benchmark for customer service is to be nothing less than world-class. You will have a dedicated customer success manager who ensures you achieve and exceed your hiring goals with hireEZ.
We Keep Your Sourcing Secure
Our benchmark for customer service is to be nothing less than world-class. You will have a dedicated customer success manager who ensures you achieve and exceed your hiring goals with hireEZ.

The Better Way to Reach Hiring Goals. hireEZ Can Help.