hireEZ Webinar

Winning Tech Talent with Outbound Recruiting

March 23,2022 | 10AM PT | 12PM CT


Speakers: TBD

If you search for “tech talent war” on Google, you would be slammed with countless blogs, articles and statistics about the hiring difficulties facing technical recruiters.

From hundreds of thousands of open cybersecurity roles to machine learning engineers becoming the fourth fastest growing job in 2021, there are seemingly more requisitions than readily available professionals in the market.

Yet, many technical recruiters are relying on the same methods of waiting for talent to apply to job postings and relying on LinkedIn inMail messaging for candidate communications. Even those proactively looking for talent are focused on channels and areas where competition is already heavily saturated.

In our webinar, we’re breaking down the formula for winning this tech talent war with two words: Outbound Recruitment.

Join us as we discuss:

The current state of tech talent acquisition and the common mistakes technical recruiters make when attracting talent
Strategies for data-driven, targeted talent searches that expand one’s tech talent pool over competitors
How to find talent that strengthens the diversity and inclusivity of your organization

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