The AI-powered Candidate Search and Data Engine

Looking to Hire Staffing Recruiters for Your Firm? Source Passive and Active Talent, Engage, and Hire Smarter with hireEZ.

Whether candidates are actively searching for new roles or are passive talent hidden in your CRM, hireEZ lets you source and hire 10x faster.
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Trusted by Top Fortune 500 Companies
High Volume Hiring Made Simple
Find Talent Anywhere on the Web
800M+ candidate profiles from open web platforms
Source for underrepresented groups, technical talent, healthcare talent, security clearances and published scholars
Integrate with your existing ATS to rediscover past candidates
Ensure Responses with Automated Contact Sequences
Personalize your outreach with comprehensive talent pool and candidate insights
Power campaigns with email marketing insights and performance tracking
Bulk email up to 200 candidates with automated email sequences
Customize Recruitment Workflows for Max Efficiency
30+ AI-powered integrations with leading ATS and CRM providers
Smart automation that refreshes, enriches and dedupes candidate data
Work with your Customer Success Manager to build the ideal team workflow
The Difference Between Us and Other Platforms
Built to Scale
hireEZ's AWS-based infrastructure is built to be scalable, stable, and reliable.
Premium Customer Service
Our benchmark for customer service is to be nothing less than world-class. You will have a dedicated customer success manager who ensures you achieve and exceed your hiring goals with hireEZ.
You're in Safe Hands
hireEZ has rigorous policies in place to ensure information security and compliance. We are GDPR compliant, SOC Type I and II certified, and EU-US Privacy Shield certified.
“I love AI Sourcing. I love how I can start a search, go grab a cup of coffee and come back to a list of 50 candidates, 40 of whom are worth reaching out to. hireEZ has optimized the front-end for me: sourcing and engagement. hireEZ is fantastic at these and I'm super happy. My time is better spent on hireEZ than if I use Linkedin. In fact, I don't have a LinkedIn account anymore.”
Kray Blanding
Lead Engineering Recruiter @ Apptio
“hireEZ is all of the sourcing and outreach tools combined, in one platform. Easy for recruiters, and even easier for hiring managers.”
Claire Berkley
Technical Recruiting Manager at Poshmark
Ready to Start Hiring Staffing Recruiters Smarter?