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Make A Value-Focused Decision with hireEZ's ROI Calculator

Is hireEZ worth the investment?

With automated AI sourcing and outreach, flexible tech stack integrations, comprehensive team collaboration tools, and more, we sure think so. But we'll let you come to that conclusion yourself.
Our ROI Calculator was designed and created for talent acquisition teams with two goals in mind:

Uncover the financial and operational value of implementing hireEZ

Encourage internal buy-in with a high-level overview of productivity gains

Estimated Savings per Hire:

Total ROI: 0%

Value of Time Saved $0.00

Value of Productivity Gains $0.00

Learn how others optimized their hiring process with hireEZ.

See Case Studies >
ROI Calculator

Company Information

Annual Revenue

Number of Employees

Average Time-to-Hire (Days)

Average Time Spent Sourcing (Hours/Hire)

Average Recruiter Hourly Salary

Average Cost per Hire

Contact Information

With hireEZ Your Hiring Process Automates Itself

Value of Time Saved

Automate manual, repetitive tasks with a comprehensive recruiting solution that reduces recruiting costs by driving efficiency across all talent operations. With hireEZ, give your team time to focus on revenue-driving efforts.

Value of Productivity Gains

Recruiters can significantly boost productivity rates and hire faster with significant cuts in sourcing time and a considerable increase in qualified leads.

Value Of an Integrated Tech Stack

Manual data entry between your tech tools is both tedious and a huge waste of time. hireEZ offers a broad range of flexible and configurable integrations to fit your organization's unique needs, saving you time and centralizing your processes by helping you connect all your key systems.

See Why Thousands of Recruiters Use hireEZ

To Find and Engage Quality Candidates Faster.